Changing Dates on Vinyl Banners

Changing the date on a vinyl banner
Banner with a date patch

OK, so the Plymouth Rotary prints a vinyl banner that will last for years, but the date changes every time they use it. This happens a lot with vinyl banners used to announce annual events, and we print a lot of vinyl banners like this.

Our solution is to make a patch for the vinyl banner to cover the old date with the new date. This works great, and saves a lot of money. The patches won’t last forever, but they are fine for a couple of weeks, which is generally all that is needed.
If you plan ahead, you can save some money by having all the dates for the next several years printed along with your banner, which is what the Rotary did. They have their Penny Sale in early November every year, so we printed the replacement numbers 1-9 at the same time as the banner, and gave them some double sided tape to apply them with.
This makes it easy to be sure the patches are in the same type face and color as the original. You really need to look at this vinyl banner to see the patch- and that’s how it’s supposed to be!

About Jay Buckley

Owner of MegaPrint Inc.
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