Custom Printed Wallpaper in the home

Custom Printed Wallpaper
Custom Printed Wallpaper

Here’s a custom printed wallpaper job we did for an elegant home in Boston.  It’s an 18th century painting of Mount Vernon that was chosen to go with the decor of the home and to give it a feel of that period in time.

Our customer purchased a high resolution photo of the painting, and we scaled, cropped, and resampled it to fit the size and give sufficient resolution.  A professional installer put up the wallpaper, which was 9.5 x 29.5 feet in size.
The results are stunning, don’t you agree?
What’s really cool here is the ability to put pictures of  just about anything that means a lot to you on the wall of  your home. Put up pictures of the kids, the family, the vacation house, or your favorite picture.  We have found that we can get excellent results from 5 and 6 megapixel pictures taken up to 8×10 foot size.
I’m scouring my photos from the last few years to put on the wall in my house!

About Jay Buckley

Owner of MegaPrint Inc.
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