Sign for Plymouth Furniture Co.

Direct printed sign
Sign on Sintra

Our new flatbed printer does a great job of printing on a number of sign making materials. Shown at the right is a sign we did for Plymouth Furniture, a local retailer.

We printed directly on 1/4″ Sintra with UV curable inks, and then gave it an overcoat for additional protection from the elements, which we think is probably a good idea given the severity of a New Hampshire winter!
Our flatbed printer does a beautiful job on sintra, styrene, coroplast (plastic cardboard)  and 50 point board. We stock them all to give you fast turnaround!
Our 50 point board is made from 100% recycled paper, and can be recycled with your cardboard. It’s our first 100% green product! We see it being used for retail sign holders, especially the 22×28 size that are so common in retail stores.

About Jay Buckley

Owner of MegaPrint Inc.
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