Map Wallpaper

map printed as wallpaper

Very Large Map

We have an interesting partnership with Point Two Design, a company that has the technology to generate a map of just about anywhere in the world. They can transmit the file to use for the production of wallpaper. The maps are exceptionally high resolution, and a crisp and clear even when printed at very large sizes. The photo is of a 10×4′ map of Fort Pierce Florida on our shop floor.

People have many uses for large wallpaper maps. For instance, employees of a city will benefit from a wall size map that allows them to talk about road closures or construction projects. Fire departments also need to figure out ahead of time how they will get to an emergency when roads are closed.

Not too long ago, we printed a 8×8′ map of the White Mountain National Forest, which they use to plan projects and discuss logistics. They tell us that it works a lot better than crowding around a map on someone’s desk.

Sometimes, having a map of your town is just a great way to show your pride in it!


About Jay Buckley

Owner of MegaPrint Inc.
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